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What is Python and what can it do?

To begin, Python is an open source, therefore free to use programming language, that is great for learning how to code.

I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone as to the popularity of Python as a programming language. You can download the latest version for free here from Python's official website:

It is one of our most popular courses for tuition and training. When students start out learning Python, they are normally quite nervous, and often feel that they just don’t think they will ever learn how to program! Coding in Python really helps with these doubts, and within the first few minute’s students are programming simple codes and communicating with the editor.

There is nothing quite like making someone feel comfortable coding and the joy that they get when they realise they can actually code!

Python is taught in schools, colleges and universities, and used in business and organisations across the world. It is easy to learn and user friendly, with a language that is often easier to understand than other languages. It is versatile, and can be used for so many different uses – such as:

  • Cross-platform compatibility

  • Data analysis, using Python’s fantastic array of libraries such as Numpy, Matplotlib and Pandas

  • Machine learning and AI

  • Graphics using the Tkinter library

  • Web development using Python’s extensive libraries

You may not have known that Python can perform the functions listed above, as some people think it is “just” another programming language, but it has a vast amount of capabilities and a very active community of Python developers that are always there to help if you get stuck.

So, if you want to find out more about how you can get into Python and how to start from the very beginning – get in touch with us and we will put you on the path to programming with confidence.




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