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If you are thinking about a career in data, our courses will help you to achieve your goals. Data analyst and data scientists positions are regularly amongst the top 10 of the most-in demand tech jobs. 

We are proud to be an official CompTIA and Microsoft partner. As an authorised partner we can offer qualified training in CompTIA's academic programs, and Microsoft's Associate and Expert level qualifications.

Data Courses

Data analysis, within data driven business analytics and reporting techniques

Store, organize, and manage large amounts of data. Build a user-entry system.

Jobs Associated with these Qualifications

Data Analyst

Reporting Analyst

Business Intelligence Analyst

Marketing Analyst

Operations Analyst

Database Administrator (DBA)

Database Designer

Database Manager

Database Developer

Database Specialist

Meeting Room

Contact Us Directly 

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"I have really gained a lot of knowledge and confidence in this short amount of time. Thank you for teaching me.”

Emmanuel. S

Master's student

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